Introduction to clj-bedquilt
is the clojure client library for BedquiltDB.
Add the following to :dependencies
in project.clj
[bedquilt "2.0.0"]
- Clojure 1.7
- A PostgreSQL server with the
extension installed (
Further BedquiltDB Documentation
See the BedquiltDB Guide.
Basic usage
Require the bedquilt.core
(ns example.core
(:require [bedquilt.core :as bq]))
Make a db spec, with which to connect to the PostgreSQL instance with bedquilt
(def spec
(bq/make-db-spec {:subname "//localhost/bedquilt_test"
:user "user"
:password "password"}))
This spec is really just a JDBC connection spec, the same as would be used with The make-db-spec
function just ensures the spec has the appropriate PostgreSQL-specific bits set.
Get a list of collections on the server:
(bq/list-collections spec)
;; => '("users" "documents")
Create a collection:
(bq/create-collection spec "things")
;; => true
Delete a collection:
(bq/delete-collection spec "things")
;; => true
Check if a collection exists:
(bq/collection-exists? spec "nope")
;; => false
Add constraints to a collection:
(bq/add-constraints spec
{"email" {"$required" true
"$notnull" true
"$type" "string"}
"name" {"$required" true}})
;; => true
Remove constraints to a collection:
(bq/remove-constraints spec
{"name" {"$required" true}})
;; => true
Find documents in a collection:
(bq/find spec "users" {:age 22})
;; => '({:_id "123", :age 22, :name "Jim", ...}, {...}, ...)
(bq/find spec "users" {:address {:city "Glasgow"}}
{:sort [{:age 1}], :skip 2, :limit 4})
(bq/find-one spec "users" {:address {:city "Edinburgh"}})
;; => {:_id "242", ...}
(bq/find-one spec "users" {:address {:$in ["Edinburgh" "Glasgow"]}}
{:sort [{:$updated -1}]})
;; => {:_id "222", ...}
(bq/find-one-by-id spec "users" "462")
;; => {:_id "462", ...}
Get a count of documents in a collection:
(bq/count spec "things")
;; => 42
(bq/count spec "users" {:age 45})
;; => 2040
Get a list of distinct values under a given key path in a collection:
(bq/distinct spec "users" "")
;; => '("Edinburgh" "London" ...)'
Insert a document in a collection:
(bq/insert spec "users" {:name "Jill"})
;; => "68e65f4a55246b0e5ce5d075"
;; (returns the _id field of the inserted document)
(bq/save spec "users" {:_id "..." :name "Mike"})
;; => "10a75a73d607a04044023010"
Update an existing document:
(let [doc (bq/find-one-by-id spec "users" "123")
new-doc (assoc doc :age 24)]
(bq/save spec "users" new-doc))
;; => "123"
;; (save either overwrites the document with the same _id, or inserts a new document)
Even better, do the same with a single connection:
(bq/with-connection [conn spec]
(let [doc (bq/find-one-by-id conn "users" "123")
new-doc (assoc doc :age 24)]
(bq/save conn "users" new-doc)))
Remove documents from a collection:
(bq/remove spec "users" {:age 22})
;; => 45
;; (count of documents removed)
(bq/remove-one spec "users" {:address {:city "Edinburgh"}})
;; => 1
(bq/remove-one-by-id spec "users" "462")
;; => 1
(bq/remove-many-by-ids spec "users" ["one", "four", "nine"])
;; => 3
Connection Pooling
Because the spec
parameter to the various bedquilt.core
functions is just a jdbc connection spec, you can use the usual jdbc connection pooling methods with BedquiltDB. (Note, this use case is not currently covered by automated tests.)